Equinoxes are power times, opening energetic gateways and revealing new options. All of the seasonal ingresses (the first day of spring, summer, fall and winter) are important transitions, and excellent times for prayers, ceremony, and setting new intentions. The fact that a full moon peaks on September 23 at 2:17 AM PDT, a mere six hours after the equinox, indicates that we have come to yet another major turning point-- a time to think out of the box and jettison whatever is not in support of bringing greater peace, equality, and authenticity into our lives. The old rules and formulas no longer apply. We are rewriting the archetypes of reality; redefining what it means to be human.
A number of other celestial alignments add to the impetus for evolution, making it easier for us to transcend our fears and limiting beliefs. This full moon highlights the intense, ongoing cardinal T-square involving Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, which has been in close configuration since last spring. If we include the lunar nodes, the divine geometry becomes even more complex and compelling: a cardinal grand cross with eight oppositions and fifteen squares. Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) mark new phases of development. Oppositions require consideration and cooperation; squares demand that we shift our perspective and direction. The lunar nodes in Capricorn and Cancer signify that we are dealing with releasing deeply entrenched views, especially around patriarchy, materialism, and inequality between the masculine and feminine.
Libra is symbolized by the Scales of justice and ruled by Venus, the mythic goddess of love and beauty. Where do you need to create more balance and harmony in your life? The Sun in Libra, in concert with Saturn in Libra, spotlights our current relationships and responsibilities, as well as where we are seeking greater intimacy and integrity. Aries is represented by the Ram and ruled by Mars, the mythic god of war. Where do you need to be more assertive and take a stand? The Aries Moon’s proximity to Jupiter–Uranus at 28° Pisces helps us to detach from codependent or addictive patterns. Pluto conjoins the North Node in Capricorn and squares the Sun and Moon, as well as Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus, holding the cosmic key: that we must evolve from living in fear to living in love. Because of these many aspects, the influence of this Full Moon is extended to at least a ten-day period, from the Sun’s exact opposition to Jupiter and Uranus on September 21 through the end of the month, when the Sun forms an exact square to the lunar nodes and a precise conjunction with Saturn. Venus in Scorpio intensifies the cosmic focus on lessons of love and truth, remaining within 10 degrees of Mars until mid- October, clarifying our values, sparking new unions, and resurrecting old ones for healing and resolution.