Friday, November 3, 2017

Look at that moon!

Preparing a workshop outline provided me the opportunity to revisit notes I made over the years regarding my experiences during several moon phases. Many of my observations have held true and played out in my own life or the lives of friends, family and even throughout the world's social experience and politics. Sharing what have now become truths for me feels appropriate at this time and gives birth to a new series of moon astrology posts.

As many of us are aware, any full moon can bring with it times of heightened emotions. I have found that the full moon intensifies the energies of the particular sign it falls in, as well as having influence on the traits of the current sun sign. 
The full moon of September 2017 travels through the sign Taurus, while the sun sign is firmly in Scorpio until November 21st. Earth and water. Fluid, emotional Scorpio grounded by practical, steady Taurus. While the usual steadfast, strong reliability of Taurus gives Scorpio the security that is integral for its balance, the full moon's influence on Taurus may increase the potential for us to become materialistic and only focus on the superficial instead of digging down to the roots of a matter. This often plays out as greed, uncontrolled consumerism, and reacting rashly or becoming overly emotional. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with emotion or seeing red, confide and vent to a trusted neutral third party. Pull your thoughts together, allow yourself time to find the most appropriate words before engaging with the offending person(s).

Ruling the throat chakra (fifth chakra), Taurus urges us to communicate confidently and honestly. Utilize the supportive energies during this full moon to express yourself - use your voice! It may be time to tell someone how you really feel, promote yourself or apply your voice to activism.

When friends struggled with anxiety around the apparent lack of funds in their accounts, a Taurus full moon acted as a reminder that money is energy. Keeping money in circulation by putting it back into small businesses and the local economy, creates a circle of good will, community and support that yeilds beneficial returns. They succeeded when applying this concept to their lives along with hard work, honesty and humility.

Another way I have found to tap into the energies of the Taurus full moon is through the use of essential oils and aromatic herbs. Play around to find the combination of herbs or oils to which you most favorably respond; a few  herb suggestions are peppermint (brew a cup to sip as well!), thyme, eucalyptus, violet, catnip, marsh mallow and sage. When choosing essential oils, do use organic varieties and if you like please try the following blend that I have used;

*This recipe blend is the creation of Kristina Bauer, The Untamed Alchemist. 

To 2 ounces of a carrier oil (e.g. jojoba, sweet almond or fractionated coconut) 
Add 1 drop ylang ylang, 2 drops cardamom, 4 drops cinnamon and 4 drops vetivert

I repeatedly find that the days leading to and just after a Taurus moon guide me strongly to take myself (and urge my clients) into nature. We often spend more and more time inside disconnected from the Earth. This pulls us spiritually, mentally and physically out of alignment. We become out of balance, being in such a state will impact each aspect of our lives and how we choose to go about them. Get outside! Breathe fully the fresh air! A walk through a local park or even through your neighborhood streets will help reset and refresh you.

However you choose to utilize the energies available, remember to do so with clarity, thoughtfulness and at an even pace.

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