Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Move in New Directions with Gemini Flexibility

Those born under one of the mutable sun signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will feel the effects of this New Moon most strongly. From my personal experience, those of us whose ascendant sign falls under one of those will also experience clearing energies and a period of new beginnings. People born under these four signs of the zodiac are the most flexible and changeable. They often easily adapt to new surroundings and situations, employing their natural creativity to complete projects.

New moon cycles are often accompanied by uplifting motivational feelings that urge us to try something new and different. This particular new moon, falls in the sign of Gemini which represents our adaptability and duality. During this new moon phase we will find ourselves wrapping up most of the personal inner work that we delved into beginning in January. This process tends to make us more clearly aware of our thoughts because blockages have been moved to give light to new paths.
Take this opportunity and utilize the current energies to set new intentions as you become the best possible version of yourself. Be aware of your thoughts. Acknowledge those that prevent you from growing and moving forward then let them go. Remain open to new ways of thinking that will help you reach your full potential.

I came across a mantra from Tanaaz of, Forever Conscious, that you may find helpful as you create sacred space to set your new intentions:

    "I cleanse my space, I Feel myself expand. 
I cleanse my heart. I feel myself radiate and glow. I cleanse my mind, I feel light and free.
I cleanse all of me so I can begin again". 

Tanaaz also suggests that you pose the following five prompts to yourself, freely writing down whatever comes to your mind. 

1. The things that are blocking me the most right now

2. Things that I need to let go of

3. Things that are no longer working out for me

4. The story I keep telling myself

5. Things that drain my light

My clients have found that when they adapt these prompts to a tarot or oracle card spread, their intuition is clear and the insights they receive are profound. I added five more prompts to complete the spread.

1. Keys to a new path

2. What thoughts should I keep

3. What things are working out for me

4. Possible new outlooks and avenues

5. What things feed my inner light

Here is an example of how the spread may look; feel free to use all tarot cards or all oracle cards for your personal spread. Choose what feels right and most comfortable. Pictured below, I used tarot for the initial five prompts and oracle for the second set. 

(The Druid Craft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm; illustrated by Will Worthington)

(The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid; artwork by Jenna DellaGrottaglia)

As you review the cards you pulled, make notes of any recurring themes, patterns of thought and situations that reveal themselves. Allow your intuition to transmit personal messages and interpretations of the cards. After you have completed reflecting on the prompts, form statements or mantras that will help you release what is required and claim new thought and behavior patterns.

I, personally, feel fulfilled when I am able to help other people, as well as myself. 
How can we support ourselves and those close to us during this changeable period? 

Here are a few star-guided insights:

As far as how this Gemini New Moon will directly effect our mutable sun sign friends; Gemini and Virgo folks should be prepared for people to notice them and call upon them. It is a great time for those born under those signs that want to expand their business, seek promotions, start a new venture, or increase their social media following. The Sagittarius people in our lives may experience sparks of romance that rekindle their current relationships or ignite new ones. They will be motivated to make each of their relationships work whether those be personal or professional. Let the Pisces folks in our lives know that, during this moon phase, they will most benefit from setting aside their worries and spending time relaxing at home with their pets and/or families, enjoying a quiet meal and sipping soothing teas. 

Remember that you are divinely supported.
Breathe deeply, be proud of who you, spread kindness and smile more!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Motivation, Persistence & New Moon Wishes!

                                          (image credit, M. Rutan)  

A Capricorn New Moon urges us to aim high in our lives; personal, professional, emotional and spiritual. Its energy is a strong motivator for the creation and patient cultivation of our plans and desires. Set your intent, begin small projects and gently tend to them while patiently waiting to see positive results by the light of the corresponding full moon on June 28th.
    "Hold on, Amber, you mean we have to wait six months"?
Yes, my friends, you do. Utilize that time span to refine your plan, take small steps toward your goal and even allow yourself to explore options and alternate avenues. Capricorn energy includes persistence. Remain calm. Conserve your energy. Prepare to take action when planetary energies shift and your plans take flight!

What can you do during that six month development period? Work on your personal balance and alignment. This can be done in a variety of ways with varied approaches. The following suggestions may be helpful as you utilize Capricorn influences and turn within, make sensible decisions, keep commitments, use opportunities as they present themselves and express gratitude for your accomplishments.

  Honor any personal, family and hereditary traditions. Recall family histories, revisit moments of your life that brought you to where you are, learn about the cultures that have shaped society and especially those that run through your own veins.

  Capricorn New Moons are supportive times to connect with important male figures in your life and for balancing the yang (masculine) energy that lives within us all regardless of gender. Promote balance within yourself to carry into the new calendar year. If relationships with males in your life are strained, this is an opportune time to create and perform a personal ritual of forgiveness and release.

  Work with crystals! This new moon phase is an powerful time to work with crystals and gemstones. The sign of Capricorn is often associated with garnet, black onyx, smoky quartz and lapis lazuli. Have you ever used gemstone essences? If not, perhaps look into purchasing one (or more) to try or research how to make your own!

Fifteen years ago I learned a useful tool to employ during new moons - making ten wishes. These wishes are best made during the fullest power of the new moon; during the first eight hours after its exact timing (the new moon on January 16 occurs at 6:17 pm PST) though wishes can be made for up to 48 hours. The Capricorn new moon energy will only be around for two days, however, its energy will carry you through to the Leo Blue Moon on January 31st. Think about all the things you need or want in your life and make your wishes accordingly.

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