Wednesday, March 24, 2021


There are issues of low urgency and low importance. Like starting to feel a little hungry. (Global warming is not one of them.) Then there are issues of high urgency and high importance, like putting out that house fire. (Rising sea levels don’t quite cut the mustard.) Then we come to the grey areas. A cut finger needs to be dealt with pronto! Yet, usually, it isn’t a big deal if that doesn’t happen- high urgency, low importance (Overfishing and deforestation get grouped this way). 

We all have to work together. This is what I postulate. I'm focusing my lens on the idea of planetary sustainability. Specifically the continued survival of all life on this planet. It's on of those issues that is of, apparently, low urgency (as far as immediacy goes--Earthlings are amazingly short-sighted) while at the same time as issue of highly critical importance. The highest. At least to me. I will attempt to explain why.

Our very existence is an absolute miracle. Even the scientists who "discovered" DNA compare its complexity to the odds of ending up with a functional jumbo jet after a tornado rips through a junkyard. Another metaphor I've heard associates millions of individul letters randomly coalescing into an updated version of the OED (Oxford English Dictionary). Our uniqueniess should be our most cherished and celebrated gift. We may not be alone in the universe, but that doesn't detract from just how special we all are.

We must not waste this magical gift. Nature abhors waste. Perhaps that language isn't strong enough. Nature doesn't tolerate waste--in the least. Everything is eventually reused and/or recycled, down to an elemental level. Everything. I can't help repeating. All we've ever said or done has a cumulative effect. Even our smallest choices create ripples that add up and have impact. They matter. So what does appreciating our individualtiy involve, specifically? How do we show our gratitude and thankfulness for such a monumental, praiseworthy occurrence? A seemingly impossible task but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

We have to prioritize all that sustains us. It won't be enough to simply reduce environmental pollution and the damage it causes. We have to take responsibility and repair any damage. More than preserving habitat, we need to see, nurture and produce new habitat. When needed it appears we are capable of some forethought. Climate change has gone mainstream and some demanded action has been taken. More sacrifices still need to be made. By all. So there it is. We, the collective ,"All-omitting no one". have to work. It's much too late to be optional. Success won't come easily, we're going to have to sweat it. Together, we will sink or swim as a team. Pulling synergistically, in the same direction without exemption. We all have to work together. We're approaching the critical mass needed to give the healing process, for our self-created problem, its due. By respecting the universal life force and associated energies by honoring the golden rule, perhaps we'll learn that we haven't yet passed the point of no return. To inspire myself and others, I wrote a poem: 

I need your help to be a mountain mover

You push I'll pull let's turn the whole thing over

It's just a few words, but the little things matter

The worlds at stake, no time to get fatter

I look for peace, I search the wide world over

Ya gonna tell me I'm the only lover?

Not gon' have it served up on a platter

I'm actin' now, not see my future shattered

We can, we can, we can, we can

We will, we will, we will 

It's coming folks, We are the future choosers

We gotta lead, can't let the Earth be losers

I believe. I know every little thing matters

Or would you rather spend your time in tatters?

We all can see that the planet's our Mother

She's gone so foul, now it's time to hug Her.

Keep workin' hard 'til the storm gets over

Whenit's all done, be time to recover

We can, we can, we can, we can

We will, we will, we will

We can, we can, we can, we can

We will, we will, we will 

With gratitude & appreciation for all my gifts, both recognized as well as those yet to be discovered. I Choose to make a distinction between good luck and good fortune. Only 1 is accidental...

The Lies We're Dying For

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