Monday, May 3, 2010

Breathe and step through the veil.

Living in a place where the veil is thin is a wonderous blessing. Each day I am witness to the shadows and light of a magical world. When these things happen, they are so tremendously powerful and clear that part of me wants to shout the expereince, yet, I often do not speak of them for fear that setting my visions to words will somehow alter and disempower them. Often these moments surpirse me by how they are able to cross into the business of my day and make themselves known. It is as though the world and the routine activities around me stop. I feel as though I am hovering between time - between worlds. I is then that I become fully aware of "now". I stongly feel my connection with the Universe and its energies. I am not, one with the moment. I am the moment. My breath is the wind through the trees, my eyes the sky, my heart the earth, and my blood the waters that run through it.

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