Friday, October 1, 2010

Sharing insight from a seasoned and trusted professional

The following entry comes via a post by gifted psychic and medium, Chip Coffey. I, in no way, lay claim to the writing of it. By sharing it, I extend honor to this man. Chip puts into a succinct manner, my position on the subject of crossing over entities. Lines appearing in bold face font, are points I chose to emphasize.

I do, strongly, encourage you to attend one of his "Coffey Talk" events. For more information about Chip's schedule and to purchase tickets, visit

If you plan to attend Seattle's October 20th date, let me know! I will be there and would enjoy meeting you.

From a note by Chip Coffey, on his Facebook page:

"I have noticed that there seems to be a disturbing trend developing within the paranormal community.

I attend quite a few conventions and conferences. Quite often, paranormal investigations/ghost hunts are offered as a part of these events. Those who participate in event investigations range from individuals with a significant amount of investigative experience to those who are first time investigators.

Allow me to set p the scene for you" a crowd of people are gathered together in a dark or dimly lit space. Suddenly, possible communication with a disembodied entity is somehow established. More often than not, someone in the group will ask this question: "Do you need us to help you corss over/"

The moment I hear those words spoken, I close my eyes, shake my head and utter a sigh of "O.M.G. Not again!"

As living, breathing human beings, we know nothing, nada, zilch about what happens after death. Certainly, most of us have read or viewed accounts provided by those who have either had near death experiences or recounted, under hypnosis, details about the afterlife. there are numerous theories regarding what occurs post mortem. But in reality, what happens after death is a secret known only to those who are dead.

I never try to convince anyone to accept my beliefs, but here is what i believe: not every disembodied being that we might happen to encounter is aimlessly wandering the earth plane in desperate search of "The Light".

I believe there is a difference between ghosts and spirits. to me, ghosts are disincarnate entities who, for whatever reason, have not fully transitioned from the land of the living to the realm of the dead. Perhaps tey still feel some strong attachment to the living world. Or have unfinished business here. Or choose not to complete the transition because they frear judgment and retribution. These energies are commonly referred to as "earthbound spirits."

Spirits, on the other hand, are beings who have completed the transition between life and death. they have "crossed over" or "gone to The Light" and elect to return to the earth plane for some reason or another. Perhaps to visit a loved one or a location that hols special meaning to them.

How, then, did some individuals come to the conclusion that we mere mortals have the obligation or responsibility or right to assist "lost souls" with crossing over? ...We should not assume that every soul that we encounter is a lost soul. We should not assume that we must assist every soul that we encounter with its jouney onward onto spirit. Some entities may be fulfilling a part of their soul's evolution by remaining on the earth plane.

Certainly, there may be some entities who need to be reminded or encouraged to complete the transition into spirit. But let's not assume that EVERY soul is a non-corporal nomad!

We, the living, should not randomly assume that we must become the ghost whisperer (or spirit GPS) and help every soul that we happen to meet, to cross over."

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it kind of like making a guy stop and ask for directions? Seems like bad karma to me... :)


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