Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lunar Eclipse for Your Heart

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind the earth and into its shadow. This can occur only when the sun, earth and moon are very closely aligned, with the earth between the other two.

According to astrology, a lunar eclipse usually marks culminations and ending points. Eclipses (both lunar and solar) are dramatic markers and one of the most dramatic ways that the Universe uses to get our attention. Once we are alerted, we are guided to honestly look at the areas of our life that need change. The prevailing energies during this time uproot us, surprise us and shake us out of complacency so that we may move ahead in the physical and spiritual realms.

Lunar eclipses are auspicious times for meditation, inward reflection, self-care and connecting with the Divine. During these practices we often receive insights and information that can provide important direction and act as a catalyst for the action needed. In this way, lunar eclipses can show us that we are capable of much more that we previously thought.

Where solar eclipses support new beginnings, lunar eclipses often bring us final endings and can be emotional times for many. They tend to make us aware of the passage of time and our own mortality. A lifetime of memories and recurring dreams may be brought into the forefront of our thoughts, causing us to become nostalgic and sentimental. Honor the emotions that come up, express gratitude for how they helped your growth then, with great love, release them to the Universe.

The total lunar eclipse of January 20, 2019, occurs in the sign of Leo at 9:12 pm PST. This is the final Leo eclipse from a series that began in February of 2017 and included the fierce total solar eclipse in August the same year. This lunar eclipse will manifest situations that have been developing over the last two years. Leo is the guardian of creativity, romance and fertility. With the support of this full moon, we will see our efforts come to light and changes coming our way. We may feel ourselves pushed to look in new directions and to change any of our long-standing limiting mindsets.

Allowing ourselves time to process what we experience during this lunar eclipse is an important tool for utilizing the transformative energies available. Be patient with yourself. Extend patience to those with whom we interact. Speak with gentleness. Extend gentleness to others. Act from compassionate heart-space. Extend your compassionate heart to others.


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