Monday, March 25, 2019

A Healthy Voice

It is not uncommon for the throat chakra to become unbalanced or blocked. When this energy center is not working properly, we may experience physical symptoms such as ear aches, thyroid imbalances, laryngitis and jaw pain.
When our 5th chakra is clear, it brings about clear communication and creative expression. We feel confident in expressing our feelings, our creativity and saying what we really mean. The two-way energy flow between you and others is greatly enhanced. In fact, the two-way energy flow between you and your own body begins to improve as well.
Keeping our throat chakra healthy is important so that we are able to speak out with ease to support and protect those around us, as well as ourselves. In addition to the use of gemstones and healing visualizations, the use of foods and herbs can quickly clear the energy flow to this chakra. The 5th chakra is the center of communication. Balancing it can help you reconnect with your true nature and make you feel safe enough to express it. 

A great place to begin is by eating blue foods. Blue, purple and red foods contain phytochemicals that are responsible for their color and are an indications of the presence of flavonoids; critical antioxidents that support and strengthen our immune system.

Black olives
Red/purple cabbage

Wheatgrass and barley are the grains that best support this chakra. Since the 5th chakra anatomical area includes the thyroid, sea vegetables are helpful due to the iodine in them that is crucial for proper thyroid function.

The following list contains herbs that I have found effectively clear and balance the 5th chakra.

Blue pea flower
Slippery elm

Meditation mantras support this process well. My clients and I have found the following examples most effective when addressing the needs of the 5th chakra.

"I am an empathic listener and a clear communicator".

"My voice is important in this world".

"When I speak, my words are honest and balanced".

"I am always understood by others".

"I honor my true voice and let it speak".

However you choose to support and balance your chakra health, do it from a place of grace and love for yourself and the world in which you live. 

~ The herbal and natural health suggestions posted within this blog are 
not intended to replace medical treatment or the taking of prescribed medications. ~

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