Monday, December 9, 2019

Share Your Chiron Healing

Astronomers originally classified Chiron as an asteroid with a strange orbit. But as they observed Chiron they discovered a comet-like tail, at which point it was reclassified as a comet. Through science's continued observation of this celestial body and the progress made in astronomical classification, today (according to Dr. Marsden of the IAU Minor Planet Center) Chiron is classified as both a comet and a minor planet.

For the sake of this entry, I use Chiron in its asteroid sense, categorizing it as many astrologers do, with other asteroids such as Vesta, Hygeia, and Juno.

According to Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was a healer, philosopher and teacher who, ironically could not heal himself. Chiron is called the "wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which, when integrated, leads to compassion and understanding of others' suffering and provides the ability to serve as a helper and healer for others. The placement of Chiron in our natal chart can reveal a core wound that may take a lifetime to work through. Don't distress over this! Our Chiron placement is also our secret power! As we grapple with pain, we gain wisdom that we can pass on to others like a magic salve. In fact, the symbol for Chiron is shaped like a key since unlocking its powers opens up a portal to deep, inner peace.

This asteroid's energetic influence will play a role in both our personal lives, and in the collective overall. During Chiron's recent transit through compassionate Pisces, we found healing via artistic channels such as music, poetry, and our imagination. The collective learned the true meaning of divinity, surrender, and universal love. Now that Chiron is in a nine year long transit through Aries (ending in 2027), we will experience challenges of our personal identity, self-confidence, and overall sense of self. During this time we will be able to tap into our individuality so that we can confidently move towards our personal mission. We are in our right to be completely and authentically ourselves and this Chiron transit will help us learn how to defend ourselves and heal others.

Chiron is sort of a cosmic contradiction, considering it represents both our wounded childhood and our biggest superpower. Chiron orbits between two intensely oppositional planets - uptight, restrictive Saturn and liberated, revolutionary Uranus. Its role as the metaphysical mediator can help us synthesize the energy of both. Where do we hold ourselves back (Saturn) and where we can be constructively rebellious (Uranus)? We must understand both extremes in order to find the middle ground. In, "Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini", Barbara Hand Clow refers to Chiron as the "rainbow bridge" between Saturn and Uranus. Aptly named, since integrating the full spectrum of emotions is the key to wholeness.

We help ourselves when we help others. Digging into our Chiron natal chart position can help us uncover hidden or dormant strengths that will empower, enlighten, and guide others.

The following list contains the Healing Gifts available to each Chiron astrological placement:

Aries (1st house) - Empowering people to embrace their individuality, channeling anger into creative expression, fearless individuality, and modeling independence

Taurus (2nd house) - Creating serene environments, savvy financial planning, holding down the fort during turbulent times, calm in the storm, and teaching traditional wisdom

Gemini (3rd house) - Cooperation, mediation, communication arts, play-based learning, inclusivity, and the use of wit and humor as a tool for connection

Cancer (4th house) - Empowering women, nutritional wisdom, nourishing with food, and creating a safe haven for community

Leo (5th house) - Using the arts to uplift and spread a positive message, playfulness and healthy hedonism, and empowering others through authentic self-expression

Virgo (6th house) - Being a storehouse of practical wisdom, creating empowering media, and creating structures to help people improve their lives

Libra (7th house) - Diplomacy, fostering peaceful communication and harmonious compromises, creating beauty and heart-opening experiences

Scorpio (8th house) - Helping people through extreme life passages, turning "trash" into treasure, and soul-deep sexual healing

Sagittarius (9th house) - Fostering diversity, revealing higher truths with compassion, creating conscious media, and using laughter as medicine

Capricorn (10th house) - Utilizing resources to provide for everyone, levelheaded leadership, and environmental consciousness

Aquarius (11th house) - Uplifting idealism, social justice and activism, fostering Utopian communities and a sharing economy

Pisces (12th house) - Helping people let go of limiting beliefs, spiritual and esoteric leadership, and helping people live out their dreams and goals

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