Trauma, loss, grief, global pandemic, fires, smoke, reduced air qualtiy; these are current and recurring experiences for many of us during 2020 and 2021 that leave us struggling to pull relief and healing into our bodies and minds. I live in the knowing that all things are connected and I believe that the alignment of these incidents is no coincidence.
The earth is hurting - gasping. And so are we.
By taking the time to administer mindfulness and care to ourselves, we are in turn sending that energetic medicine to the people around us as well as (and importantly to) the planet.
It is my hope that the following suggestions empower you to be pro-active for your health and thereby the health of every living thing.
(I am not a medical doctor and share these tidbits based on my own experience and those of my clients, friends, and family. Please always check with your health care professional before implementing changes to your diet or supplement use.)
If you are currently dealing with smoke from wildfires, live in a city, or industrial area these natural methods can support healing and healthy lungs and sinuses.
Take precautions to stop or reduce the amount of particulates that enter your lungs.
Reduce the frequency and amount of time spent outdoors. When going outside, wear at least a N95 mask. These prevent 95% of the tiniest particulates from entering your lungs.
Outloud, tell your lungs and self that your body is made for healing. Let your lungs know that you will do what you can to support their healthy function.
Place your hands over your chest, breath slowly and speak words of gratitude and love to your lungs.
Nettle tea is a natural antihistamine that helps to calm over sensitive airways and soothe inflammed tissues.
The antioxidants present in green tea have been shown to reduce inflammation in the lungs and may help to reduce long lasting, harmful affects of smoke inhalation.
A study of 1,000 people living in Korea showed that individuals who drank at two cups of green tea per day had better lung function than those who drank none.
***Bonus points for tasseomancy practice!***
(I've listed some of my favorites.)
Blueberries - Blueberries are one of the richest antioxidant (flavonoids and polyphenols) containing fruits. Adding them to your diet can help protect your lungs from damage.
Carrots - This vegetable contains beta-carotene which has anti-properties and can help heal mucous membranes.
Elderberries - Anti-inflammatory flavonoids in the berries keep airways functioning effectively. Studies have shown that ingesting elderberry tonic or syrup can help prevent respiratiory infections.
Garlic - Easily added to salads and soups, or eaten roasted, garlic reduces phelgm and reduces inflammation.
Honey - Honey is an antioxidant and antibaterial agent. It is taken orally to treat coughs and used topically on burns and wounds to promote healing.
Pears - This tasty fall fruit supports the immune system and reduces phelgm production.
Tumeric - Acts as an expectorant helping to cleanse the lungs and reduces irritant-caused inflammation responses.
Walnuts - This nut contains high levels of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

This chakra is located at the center of your chest and has influence on the heart, lungs, thymus gland, and ribs. The lungs represent your ability to exchange vital life force energy through breath. Inadequate breath causes the lungs to depress which in turn, causes feelings of sadness and repression.
One way to address and stimulate the heart chakra is by wearing the color green. Wrap yourself in a comforting green blanket, wear a green scraf, wear or carry green colored stones and crystals.
Another method is to recite mantras such as: I release all grief to the Divine. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I release all bitterness and resentment. I project compassion. I accept and share healing.
I encourage you to put at least one lung/respiratory support practice into place. You will benefit personally, and the energy set into our collective experience will benefit the earth and each of its inhabitants.
Stay well.
Stay safe.
Think of others.
Wear a mask.
As always, I wish you peace and grace.
~ Amber
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