Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Dream Importance


Dreams are a mystery. Scientists still cannot explain with any certainty why we dream. Dreams are magical, linking us to another world full of wisdom and symbolism. Our dreams reconnect us to our true wild self. They reveal to us the wisdom of our intuition, not easily accessible by the conscious mind. Dreams play with our fears, testing our limits. They link us back to our ancestors through the shared collective knowledge of all humankind.


Different cultures have widely varied interpretations of dreams and the importance of dreaming. The dreamtime of Aboriginal Australians, for example, is “A kind of time out of time … That time before the world itself was entirely awake.” During that time, the Ancestors emerged and made their marks upon the land, forming mountains and valleys, rivers and forests. When a baby is born in their culture, she inherits a particular stretch of the Dreamtime song—a stretch of the Earth—as her own personal property, which belongs to no one else. The child is one with the Ancestor who shaped that tract of land. No matter how far away she ventures over the years, at the end of her life she will return to the place of her conception, “to sing [her]self back into the land.”

Another culture, the Sng'oi people of Malaysia, believe that the dream world is real and the waking world is an illusion. They believe that they travel to the real world each night in order to bring back experiences that will help them to know what to do in the shadow world, the waking world. They gather together at dusk in small huts, softly touching, leaning against each other, arms draped over one another as they fall asleep. In the morning light, those who slept near each other form a small circle and, while still drowsy, share their dreams with one another. Often it occurs that several of them have the same dream, or similar dreams. What they dreamed about will frequently come true in some way during the following day, or provide needed guidance to the community.

The Achuar people of Ecuador, are a true "dream culture" like the Sng’oi. They wake every morning at 3 or 4 a.m., several hours before sunrise, to share a herbal infusion made from the wayusa plant and begin a ceremony to share their dreams and plan their day communally. Dream sharing is considered a social responsibility, as one person’s dream may have an impact on another person or even on the entire community. The Achuar believe that the two realities—waking and dreaming—are one continuous existence, and that dreaming and sharing the dreams with each other help to reveal underlying layers of meaning in their world. If a dream is negative, the dreamer has a chance to re-dream as many times as needed until they receive a dream that is acceptable to them or to the community. It is key to the Achuar belief system that we can all re-write our lives if we choose to do so.

In all of these cultural beliefs about dreaming, there is a softening of the edges of what we in modern society consider “reality.” There is an opening to powerful magic, a trusting in the collective wisdom shared by people and the Earth. There is less resistance; more acceptance of what the heart knows. The dream interpretations are layered and woven into a story of hope for the days and years ahead, with guidance for the people coming from an ever-present source of wisdom.

There is tremendous beauty in living this way. How can we incorporate this trust, this opening, into our own lives?


What kind of dreamer are you? Are your dreams infused with symbols or metaphors, or do they contain more mundane images such as a replay of the prior day’s events? Do you visit your fears? Do your dreams feel loving, playful, or stressful? Some theories state that dreaming helps to refresh our memory and aids in storing new learning. There is also evidence of touching another world in dreams, or having wisdom revealed to us. This occurs in the case of the indigenous dream cultures, and as many people have experienced when they dream something and then a very similar event occurs in their waking life.

Do you remember your dreams? Or do you forget them in the rush of the morning as you wake up to your alarm clock and your mind races for the day ahead? If you want to remember your dreams, place a notebook and pen near your bed, easy to reach when you are half-asleep, and try to jot down just a few words about a dream if you awaken in the middle of the night. These words will trigger your memory to recall more details about the dream later that day.

Have you ever experienced a marked increase in the frequency of your dreams? During times such as pregnancy, many people report an increase in the number and intensity of dreams. Some of the dreams may be linked to changes in the body, such as dreaming of water or fish when the womb is filling with life-giving fluids. Some pregnant women have had dreams that revealed the name or predicted the sex of their baby.


Do you ever feel that the dream of the modern world is headed in the wrong direction, darkened by materialism and environmental destruction?

If you believe in the possibility of a new dream for our world, a dream in which love and gratitude take precedence over profit and greed; where all life is honored; where true environmental sustainability is possible when we join hands and work together, then hold those energies and desires close to your heart the next time you drift into peaceful slumber. 


Saturday, August 20, 2022

A Phase for Surgery

Given the option, I would not choose to undergo a surgical procedure during; A waxing or full moon, an eclipse, or a mars or mercury retrograde. Why? To me, aside from planetary influences, it feels counterintuitive to buck centuries-old experience and wisdom. Our ancestors understood the potent transformational energy of the moon, sun, and planets. They timed the planting of their crops for the most beneficial farming. They performed synchronous healing procedures. Some watched the position of the stars to guide their nomadic lifestyle. Assuming that same powerful energy would not still affect our human body seems illogical.

Obviously, emergent situations are not able to be so dictated. Likewise, with the overcrowding of medical units and tight surgery schedules, we are often limited to dates that do not fall into our preferred astrological timing. All is not lost, however.

Armed with the knowledge of potential challenges, we can move (supplement and support) areas of our physical and mental health toward achieving the best possible outcome. Medical Astrology is an ancient system that associates various body parts, human physiology, and illnesses as being under the influence of the twelve astrological signs and planets. It is referenced in ancient texts from Babylon, Egypt, India, and Greece, as well as in early American folk medicine.There is evidence that up until the 18th century physicians and surgeons also studied and practiced astrology. They believed that the phases of the moon exerted a critical influence on human blood flow, particularly the full moon, and thus it was critical to know when it would occur. Additionally, the astrological sign the moon was transiting through on a particular date and time, determined the best date to perform surgery and bloodletting.

Hippocrates, regarded as the father of medicine, taught that all disease originated from the physical realm. He also believed in the influence of astrology to manipulate human health. He is quoted as saying, "He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor, but a fool." He touted the value of a physician's understanding of astrology in order to be a better doctor, and that surgeons, in particular, should be well versed in the phases of the moon and its assistance in controlling blood flow and other bodily fluids in performing surgery.

In addition to his notoriety as a seer and astrologer, Nostradamus was a physician. He regularly charted the transits of the moon and other planets when treating his patients. And in 1996, the cardiothoracic department of Rhode Island Hospital conducted a study about the potential influence of lunar cycle phases on cardiac surgery patients. Among other findings, they discovered increases in intracranial bleeding during the waxing and new moon phases. At the conclusion of their research, Dr. Frank Sellke (then chief of cardiothoracic surgery) stated, "Though procedures cannot always be timed around the lunar cycle, a better understanding of the effects of the environment--including seasonal and lunar cycles--on our health can help us to better understand these rhythms, and ultimately provide better care for our patients."

Medical Astrology is far vaster than can be expressed and shared in this blog post. I will concentrate on sharing the general influences of the moon's transits and offer suggestions for how you may enhance or ease its influence.

According to Medical Astrologers, the most advantageous time to have surgery is during a Waning Moon phase. This is because complications are more common and recovery is prolonged when the moon is waxing. Patients may experience more pain or bleeding, inflammation, and side effects. 

Tip: If no contraindication is present, during the weeks leading up to your surgery day, consider adding a natural anti-inflammatory (such as Bee Pollen) to your regular vitamin and supplement regimen. You may also look to add turmeric, chamomile, and green tea to your menu. Of course, check with your general practitioner and surgeon before adding any supplement to your diet.  

Avoid timing the surgery from 30 minutes to 36 hours after the New Moon. Especially if only local anesthesia will be administered. Take caution as during this time, you may feel more anxious and tense--not the optimal mindset for a successful recovery.

If you are able to choose the surgery date, it is recommended to have that date set to begin and end within 5 days before, to 30 minutes after the New Moon. People tend to bruise less, swell less, and do not usually experience hemorrhaging during the Last Quarter to New Moon vs. Full Moon to Last Quarter. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Choice Is Yours


Personal transformation is a combination of knowledge, healing, and divine mystery. As your inner and outer worlds become inceasingly complex, allowing time to focus on your personal evolution is important for your health and peace of mind.

Holistic Health can be defined as an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how they interact with their environment. Holistic Health focuses on the connection of mind, bosy, and spirit. The goal is to achieve maximum well-being, where everything is functioning at the highest level possible. The concept of Holistic Health encourages people to accept responsibility for their own level of well-being, and everyday choices that effect their health.

The process of personal transformation begins with learning; using intuitive guidance to help you see yourself more clearly. The next stage is about about inspiring healing at the core energetic level. Once these two processes have begun you can integrate the new awareness and spiritual changes into your everyday life. The shifts that can happen with insight and spiritual support, combines with your active participation in making changes in your life, lead to personal evolution.

Reclaim your wholeness. As you embark on this adventure, pause and ask yourself, 

"What am I like when I feel great--when I am well?"

 "Am I in harmony with my living environment or where I spend most of my time?"

 "What do I love most about myself?"

 "What am I grateful for today?"

The Lies We're Dying For

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