Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Thoughts on Empowering Women

We have slowly and over a long course of history, been cultured away from fully remembering and embracing our power. Unfortunately, due to the current patriarchal society, we have not been part of the process for some time. Yes, there have been certain key women throughout history whom certainly impressed their mark upon it. It seems, however, when groups of women became seemingly "too" influential or powerful, society found a convenient way to stop them and dissuade others from continuing their work (i.e. the infamous witch hunts, Henry the VIII, Joan of Arc, and various organized religions). As a result, the world is in the state it is.
Perhaps we may begin counteracting this by more fully integrating and sharing our experiences. We are always in a position of power to create change in ourselves and countless others. Let us acknowledge ourselves as women who are receptive, intuitive, and creative. Remember to look at life not as lineal, look at life as a spiral - expanding and growing with continuity and flow. By looking at our lives as a spiral, we are able to build upward and outward - buidling upon what we have done and applying it to the present moment, then bringing it to the future. Nothing is lost, it is built upon from the past. Ignoring the cycles of the spiral can make us sick.

The Earth, nature, is our first and greatest teacher, always providing information and interacting with us. The Earth progresses in cycles - spirals. It is very important that we, as women, take time to connect with those cycles, remembering we are part of 15 billion years of life cycles. Remembering is not just of how powerful we are, it is also that we are part of everything.

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