Sunday, January 17, 2010

Words can Hurt. Words can Heal.

As a woman, I feel it is very important to help empower other women. One way we each can begin is by watching the words we choose to use. There was a university study completed a few years ago, focusing on the communication centers of the human brain. The results of the study were that the average woman uses 20,000 (no, that is not a typo) words a day, the average man uses only 7,000. Although a man's brain weighs more and is slightly larger than a woman's, the parts of the brain controlling communication, emotion, healing, nuturing and integration, are larger in a woman's. (That's one of the reasons we are able to multi-task so well! ) Ladies, with that much inherent power, we have a great responsibility to support each other, not tear one another apart. Think of the amazing impact, women, choosing their words with great intention, will have on our world. wow!
In effort to spread that strength and wisdom, here are two sets of words for your reflection. How often do these appear in your daily speech and interactions?
The 7 most disempowering words for women to use -
"sorry", "but", "because", "maybe", "think", "always", "never"
The 7 most empowering words for women to use -
"I", "and", "feel", "request", "choose", "thank", "acknowledge"
Thank you for reading my blog, I wish you a day of strength and courage!

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