Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Divine & Enlightened

Oh, Beltane - how I celebrate your hope and revel in your energies!

Beltane is a festival having to do with heat, passion, spontaneity, survival, fertility, balance and joining.

Think of Beltane as a wedding feast celebrating fertility. The Goddess, now ripe and receptive, unites with the Sun king and will, in due course, give birth to the crops of the fields that will nourish us throughout the year. This is a time to not only recognize life but to also take action on the activities and projects planned and begun during the Vernal Equinox.

Much of the tradition and ritual associated with Beltane has to do with marriage and fertility. Long-ago, it was important to recognize this season, for a good harvest could come only from fertile soil, ample rain and care given to the crops as they matured.

So, too, must we recognize the pivotal impact that a balanced union of the Divine Feminine with the Enlightened Masculine has on our personal, local and global communities. Care must be given to cultivating humankind. 

When speaking of feminine and masculine energies, we are reminded that one could not exist without the other. When we try to understand what it means to be male, what it means to be female, we observe not only differences in our outer form, but diversity at the very core. Let us not react in fear to what we see. Instead, when these differences and insights are revealed, let us embrace and honor them. For the fundamental truth remains - part of our selves lives within the other.

At this stage in the development of the universe we shall only progress as the Divine Feminine and Enlightened Masculine converge. If reconciliation of our differences ceases, we will lose sight of one another (each other) and lose as well, our ability to recognize our selves in the other. We must view each other through the eyes of curiosity and wonder. There must be understanding among us to effectively heal and move beyond any preconceived or displaced notion of injustice and injury. We (each of us) must strive to rise above ourselves (our egos) and release the limiting bonds of emotional and psychological wounds. For we each hold within ourselves these qualities and, through the mirror of the other, see our complete Self.

Humankind is elevated through Man's (the Enlightened Masculine's) ability to embrace the qualities of the Feminine. Man's protecting spirit, acceptance, appreciation, courage and willingness to work in unison with the Feminine will bring into focus the energy of Love and Oneness. Without this we (as individuals and as the Whole) along with our world will perish.

What are the qualities of the Enlightened Masculine?
Through his conviction of purpose and use of skillful means, Man is the navigator through obstacles and the builder of cities (kingdoms). Through perseverance Man explores - discovering and retrieving that which is Pure and Real. While Man creates anew, Woman contains and nurtures what has been created.

What are the qualities of the Divine Feminine?
She is the Cradle of Ageless Wisdom, the Strength of Unfolding Creation, the Ferocity of Necessary Destruction (cutting away that which is false), the Safeguard of Home and Innocence, and the Nurturer of Life and Death.

The whole and vital question for each of us (all of us) is, "How shall the Divine Feminine and the Enlightened Masculine recognize one another?" and, "Do we recognize each other now?" Man and Woman are Husband and Wife, bride and bridegroom to Evolutionary Creation. The Light that emerges when each individual finds all these qualities within her/himself shines upon a Blessed Marriage. The result of which is not only the realization of Divine Love, but bringing it to true fruition. Love is a sacred reserve of energy.

In our society, which has a tendency to stereotype and pigeon-hole, we must constantly focus on achieving our full potential. We, (in our culture), tend to separate things. We put up fences (or walls) - dividing, "ours" and blocking out, that which is "other's" - forgetting we are all interconnected. When we stop and go within, we are deeply made aware of our essential essence. We are more than a body, more than gender, more than our sexuality, more than a name - we are Divine Spirit. We discover the wonderous Mystery within us (within each of us) and become conscious of the fact the other person is a reflection of the same Mystery. Through feeling this sense of togetherness - that we are as One - we must learn to share those resources of Love and Light that are inside us.

It has become brutally obvious to see the great imbalance, destruction and cruelty that has happened to humans and Mother Earth, caused by the lack of inner harmony and balance within each individual's Inner World. Every human being contains both masculine and feminine energy. These opposites unite and untie us - forcing us to find our spiritual center. It is the coming together of these two energies that will make a difference.

Love will always find a way and the new energies coming to Earth are the energies of merging and allowing. The merging and allowing of the Divine Feminine and Enlightened Masculine to interact, intertwine and, together;  transcend. 

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