Thursday, April 18, 2019

Planetary Energies

Planetary magick is a complex system which blends astrology, ancient cosmology and celestial intelligence in an attempt to bring the most effective results. I am going to present the planetary rulers of the seven days of the week and the best day to perform different types of magick or ritual.

You do not need to spend hours drafting and interpreting intricate star charts in order to give your workings a planetary boost. By applying basic principles of planetary timing, you can align your ritual or spellwork with the most helpful planetary influence.

Records show that the concept of planetary correspondences to the days of the week, dates back to Babylonian astrology. They assigned a planet to rule each day, then divided the day into planetary hours. Planetary magick was re-discovered by medieval magicians who looked to their world for inspiration. The tradition of using different days, and specific hours, for particular types of magick can be seen in the Key of Solomon, a 14th century text that presents a typical example of Renaissance magick.

For our purposes, the sun and moon are utilized as planets. This approach is based upon the interpretations of the skies by ancient astronomers. I am also going to stick to the planets and days and skip the individual planetary hours. Keeping the information simple makes it more accessible and user friendly...feeling overwhelmed cramps one's flow.

The Sun -- Sunday
Because of the Sun's role as light-bringer, illumination is the theme for Sunday workings. Its energy can add a sparkle to money magick and add a warmth to health intentions and the Sun relates to vitality and success. It is also related to new beginnings, self-confidence and courage. Sundays are great days for beginning new projects, giving fresh momentum to older ones, improving health and calling for professional success to you.

The Moon -- Monday
Much of the folklore surrounding the Moon focuses on this astral body's changing looks. It is traditionally associated with psychic concerns and our human desires to shift our emotions, energies and situations. Throughout history, cultures worldwide tracked the Moon and noted its cycles, sometimes encrypting this information in the alignments and designs of their architecture.

Mondays are ideal days for working with the subconscious thought introspection and dreaming. Scrying, development of psychic abilities and utilizing cartomancy for personal insight each benefit from the Moon's energies this day, as do workings for emotional health. Because of the Moon's influence on the tides, Mondays are good for any type of water ritual or magick. It is a potent day to create travel amulets and to cleanse magickal tools.

Mars -- Tuesday
Utilizing the assertive powers of Mars can add tremendous power to workings that initiate big change, call upon action, week victory and expand our strength.

Tuesdays are good days to activate protective talismans, reinforce your home's barriers (both energetic and physical) and to cultivate personal energy. Traditionally, Tuesdays were for blessings cars and machines, forges and new gardens. (A side note for those whom may be wondering when to cast those "not-so-nice" workings; Tuesday's warring Mars energy is what you want.)

Mercury -- Wednesday
The energy of the messenger god, Mercury, makes Wednesday an appropriate day for all types of communication and divination. Workings for travel, luck, creative thinking and business endeavors will be bolstered and given fleet momentum when conducted on a Wednesday. Mercury rules over the acquisition of magickal knowledge, aids in travel between the worlds and guides the souls of the dead.

Last month, I made a horse hide drum and recently learned that Wednesdays are beneficent days for drumming. That aspect, combined with my love of divination and natural proclivity for spirit communication, has made for some potently deep work.

Jupiter -- Thursday
This planet is beautiful, slow and stately, qualities that ancient magicians interpreted as themes of abundance, judgment and wisdom. Thursday is a great day to perform workings for legal matters, faith and long lasting prosperity. This is an auspicious day to purchase property, sign contracts, bestow blessings on family, friends and your home.

Venus -- Friday 
Venus encourages us to celebrate the joy in the realms of music, food, the arts and love. It is also a day to utilize when we need to honor our personal struggles in these areas.

Because Venus is closely connected to the natural world (it is our morning and evening star), Friday is a beneficial day to harvest herbs and plants that will be used for magickal purposes. Infuse potions, perform mirror magick and take ritual baths with the joy of Venus on Fridays.

Saturn -- Saturdays
Saturn, the Lord of Endings. According to astrology, Saturn's position helps us learn from life, set the past behind and to move forward.

In some circles, Saturday has gotten the reputation as an inauspicious day for magickal workings. Personally, I do not subscribe to this thought. I find Saturdays a fine day for banishing and binding works, as well as a very powerful day for ancestor communication and mediumship. It is also a good time to understand our personal limits, establish personal boundaries and to bolster self-discipline.

Will your rituals or workings fail because they are not aligned with a particular planetary energy? NO! Work your energy when you can and if you feel the need or a strong pull to, for example, throw down some luck mojo on a Sunday instead of of a Wednesday - do it!

For me, over the years, something that I have appreciated about taking the time to incorporate planetary magick into my practice, is that it helped me slow down, center and proceed in a mindful way. It helped me establish discipline and preparation that added strength to my self-confidence and thus, to my workings. I also felt that the knowledge that thousands upon thousands of like-minded people around the world were working similar energies on those days, added potency to whatever I was doing. The ability to tap into that collective, while adding my own frequencies to the mass, has been insightful, humbling and empowering; there is strength in numbers after all.

Bright Blessings!

I wish you peace and grace.
~ Amber

For a deeper look into The Key of Solomon, as well as other fascinating sacred texts, 
click the link below. 

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