Saturday, January 7, 2017

Wild Wisdom Wednesday - The Gift of Fog (from original post 28Dec2016)

Standing on the lake shore watching fog envelope the landscape I quietly call for
 Life's mysteries and gifts to reveal themselves. 

Recently I have been fortunate to be outside walking or driving on foggy days. Throughout my life fog has never frightened nor intimidated me. Instead, it excites me and I sense potential through its veil. Fog has a way of suspending reality and once an area is shrouded, it could be any moment in time and any place. I stand calmly alert, prepared for whatever may emerge.

I realize this is not the case for many people. Some of us fear the unseen and become confused and disoriented by the limited vision fog causes. At times, due to our own inability to acknowledge the truth of our own thoughts and feelings, we create our own fog that blocks our awareness and inner knowing. Our own thoughts and feelings create weather patterns that can inhibit or ignite our direction.
In the physical world, the Sun eventually burns away the fog enabling us to see everything clearly. When we find our judgement clouded or minds in a fog, what we are experiencing is the Universe telling us it is not yet right for us to make a decision. We should wait until all the facts and choices clearly become visible. By exercising patience and avoiding making decisions with an unclear mind, we will find that our personal inner Sun will burn away our mental and emotional confusion clearly revealing the situation and opportunities.

Fog is derived form water and water represents divine feminine energy. This energy is tied to emotions, feelings and urges. We can tap into the rhythm of this energy by following and living by moon cycles. With the end of the current year fast approaching and the current new moon phase in the sign of Capricorn, it is an optimal moment for taking quiet time to reflect on our present options and decision. We need not rush forward charging ahead blindly. This is a time for meditation and rest in order to gain the insight and clarity desired.

What obstacles can you remove that are blocking your clear view and preventing forward momentum? What emerges when you sit in stillness? When the fog clears, what is revealed?
Supportive focus suggestions:

* Manjushri (pronounced "man-choosh-ree"), is a Buddhist deity of wisdom who holds a sword to cut through illusions and bring about clarity and understanding.

* Third Eye chakra supports inner vision, insight, imagination, concentration, peace of mind, projection will and manisfestation

* The rune stone, Kenaz - represents a torch by which knowledge is lit and revealed. It symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It signifies the mystery of transformation and our power to create as nature does.

* Gem stones - sodalite, clear quartz, celestite, kyanite and emerald

* Herbs - mint, mugwort and star anise

Wild Wisdom Wednesday (originally posted via Facebook 7Dec2016)

* Endurance*Formation*Manisfestaion*

Life's persistence and its endless resourcefulness in the task of survival are all implicit within the rune meaning of Uruz ("oo-ruze"). It is a rune of manifestation, regeneration and endurance. We are reminded of the infinite primal power of the universe - its powers of perseverance and sacred gestation. Through time and tenacity, the Earth is able to heal itself regenerating and sometimes reformatting its landscape.

There are times in our lives when we need to reset and format ourselves, our direction, our relationships and /or personal boundaries. Self-care supports self-healing. It is unwise to rely solely on other people and situations for our healing. We need to be proactive on that front in order to maintain our vitality and manifest the change, improvement and strength required to shape and form fortunate circumstances utilizing our inner will and inspiration. Take the time for introspection then tap into the regenerative energies of the Earth to support and guide you.

What are ways in which you reset yourself? Do you meditate? Practice yoga? Do the creative arts help you communicate? Does a hike through the woods provide relief and perspective? Do the people around you support and uplift you? Are you able to freely and openly offer the same to them? How do you maintain and nurture your physical/emotional/mental/spiritual endurance?

Azurite helps connect us with the earth
and aids meditation and healing.

Garnet resonates with the root chakra
and supports self care and self love.

birch tree mandala for regeneration and renewal 

Welcome to Wild Wisdom - 1 (originally posted via Facebook 30Nov2016)

"Being able to maintain patience, calm and certainty even while there is chaos around us allows the 
Light of the Creator to enter and assist". 
~ Michael Berg

Sometimes the biggest blessing is not getting what you think you want. Strive to keep a sense of perspective. Do not allow situations, incidents or occurrences of past memories hold you back from living your life today. Pace yourself. Experience the pause for breath between thought and action.

The rune cast this week, Nied (aka Nauthiz, Nyd or Naut), speaks to us of patience. Though what you may now be experiencing feels debilitating and frustrating - delays,oppression, ill health, depression, confusion (and as tiresome as this phase may be), no amount of worry or haste will make it pass more quickly. These times are often accompanied by extreme emotional travail that hits us square in the solar plexus. Facing these emotions and overcoming your fear can be the catalyst that pushes you forward to a stronger, brighter future while simultaneously gifting you important survival skills and coping techniques. By learning from our troubles, we evolve in both body and spirit. Hold fast and conserve your energy. Think twice before taking on a new project during this time. To achieve our wants we often need to experience the very opposite. Turn inward and shape your power.

 Consider utilizing one or more of these 
 supportive tools:

* Clear, balance and nurture your Heart Chakra
* A gentle, supportive flower essence to use is Impatiens - 4 drops under the tongue 2-3 times per day has worked for me
* Wear the color blue or bring more of it into your environment. The energy of blue color waves helps to overcome distressing situations.
* Pull the major arcana card, Temperance, from a tarot deck and set it someplace you will frequently see it. The presence of its image will help you remember to live in moderation, to go within and to strive for balance in all things.
* For my tactile friends, the following stones may help you find the patience necessary during this time. Carry them with you or wear them. When you begin feeling impatient with the world or yourself, touch or hold them while taking 5 deep breaths.
 ---- amber, chrysoprase, howlite, labradorite ----

Blue color waves resonate at (approximately) the musical notes D and E
at a frequency of 570-630 Mhz.

Friday, January 6, 2017

simple pro-active mantras

Announcing; Wild Wisdom Wednesdays

The strength and resilience of so many people whom choose to stand and speak up in the face of threats, bullying, intimidation and fear-based violence keeps a flame of hope burning deep within me.
At times (especially during the last 6 -8 weeks) I have felt at a loss for how to effectively help and promote positive change. Personally, I choose to do more than I have and more than what I am doing.
As givers, healers, caretakers and protectors we often overlook ourselves - putting the task and requirements of other people and influences, first.
Others of us, in the face of such atrocities and hate, may become stagnant - stuck in the mire of fear, unable to move forward.
From a place of humble respect, love and support for us  (and those "in the thick of it") as we navigate these immensely challenging, uncertain and changing times, I am choosing to begin a weekly post of tips and influences for action (and sometimes inaction) from which self care ideas and guidance may be gleaned.

I welcome you to join me on Wednesdays throughout my Wild Wisdom series. I wish each of you the blessings of gratitude and grace.

Love & Light,

Love is the Source of Your Own Being

"Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,
 we shall harness the energies of Love,
 and then, for a second time in the history of the world,
 humankind will have discovered fire'.  
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

In Kabbalah, the center of the Tree of Life is associated with the heart region. Christian Kabbalists associate this area with Jesus and with healing. Sufis, the mystics of Islam, talk about the Sirr—the secret, innermost heart of the heart. In the Chinese system of Qigong, the heart region is call the dantian, the “furnace” that transforms the qi energy into shen, spirit energy.
When you work to clear and balance your fourth chakra, you grow spiritually. It is in the heart that you can come into universal love and dissolve the illusion of separateness. It is here you can heal, both emotionally and physically. It is when you open your heart to love so you can forgive yourself and others, connect deeply to others, rise above the lower emotions of anger, hatred, and envy, and rise to a higher state of consciousness. It is in the heart center that you experience peace and deep inner balance.
A balanced heart chakra is beautiful. It is the center of compassion, altruism, devotion, and the ability to accept that all the circumstances of your life are within the divine order.
However, many of us have built walls around our heart chakra to protect ourselves from getting hurt again. A blocked heart chakra can make you feel defensive, or you may be critical, controlling, withdrawn, or afraid of letting go. You are likely to feel lonely, and think of others as being separate from you. Your life may be full of suffering.

So how can you open your heart and bring that center into balance? 

  • Get out in nature. The color of the heart center is green. Let the green of nature start the process of healing for you.

  1. Before you meditate visualize green light filling and surrounding your heart center.
  2. Allow yourself to receive love, including loving yourself!
  3. Love others unselfishly, not demanding anything in return.
  4. Be thankful. Gratitude is a great way to stop finding fault in everyone around you.
  5. Learn to forgive. A lot of heart chakra blockage is caused by not letting go of past hurts.
  6. Move your body. Try a practice like yoga or tai chi to gently let go of stiffness and open your heart center.
 As you do the practices and meditations that are designed to help you open your heart, your ability to love grows. You go beyond what we think of as love (the affection and warmth we feel for someone) to unconditional love (love as a force that comes through you and has no attachment) and on to universal love, where you understand that love is the Source of your own being. You will be a more caring and joyous individual.

The Lies We're Dying For

digital art, Truth Reckoning, by T. Reid, 2023 Lessons from Wonder Woman In Wonder Woman (Rebirth) Vol. 1: The Lies, amidst the shifting san...