Saturday, January 7, 2017

Welcome to Wild Wisdom - 1 (originally posted via Facebook 30Nov2016)

"Being able to maintain patience, calm and certainty even while there is chaos around us allows the 
Light of the Creator to enter and assist". 
~ Michael Berg

Sometimes the biggest blessing is not getting what you think you want. Strive to keep a sense of perspective. Do not allow situations, incidents or occurrences of past memories hold you back from living your life today. Pace yourself. Experience the pause for breath between thought and action.

The rune cast this week, Nied (aka Nauthiz, Nyd or Naut), speaks to us of patience. Though what you may now be experiencing feels debilitating and frustrating - delays,oppression, ill health, depression, confusion (and as tiresome as this phase may be), no amount of worry or haste will make it pass more quickly. These times are often accompanied by extreme emotional travail that hits us square in the solar plexus. Facing these emotions and overcoming your fear can be the catalyst that pushes you forward to a stronger, brighter future while simultaneously gifting you important survival skills and coping techniques. By learning from our troubles, we evolve in both body and spirit. Hold fast and conserve your energy. Think twice before taking on a new project during this time. To achieve our wants we often need to experience the very opposite. Turn inward and shape your power.

 Consider utilizing one or more of these 
 supportive tools:

* Clear, balance and nurture your Heart Chakra
* A gentle, supportive flower essence to use is Impatiens - 4 drops under the tongue 2-3 times per day has worked for me
* Wear the color blue or bring more of it into your environment. The energy of blue color waves helps to overcome distressing situations.
* Pull the major arcana card, Temperance, from a tarot deck and set it someplace you will frequently see it. The presence of its image will help you remember to live in moderation, to go within and to strive for balance in all things.
* For my tactile friends, the following stones may help you find the patience necessary during this time. Carry them with you or wear them. When you begin feeling impatient with the world or yourself, touch or hold them while taking 5 deep breaths.
 ---- amber, chrysoprase, howlite, labradorite ----

Blue color waves resonate at (approximately) the musical notes D and E
at a frequency of 570-630 Mhz.

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