Saturday, January 7, 2017

Wild Wisdom Wednesday - The Gift of Fog (from original post 28Dec2016)

Standing on the lake shore watching fog envelope the landscape I quietly call for
 Life's mysteries and gifts to reveal themselves. 

Recently I have been fortunate to be outside walking or driving on foggy days. Throughout my life fog has never frightened nor intimidated me. Instead, it excites me and I sense potential through its veil. Fog has a way of suspending reality and once an area is shrouded, it could be any moment in time and any place. I stand calmly alert, prepared for whatever may emerge.

I realize this is not the case for many people. Some of us fear the unseen and become confused and disoriented by the limited vision fog causes. At times, due to our own inability to acknowledge the truth of our own thoughts and feelings, we create our own fog that blocks our awareness and inner knowing. Our own thoughts and feelings create weather patterns that can inhibit or ignite our direction.
In the physical world, the Sun eventually burns away the fog enabling us to see everything clearly. When we find our judgement clouded or minds in a fog, what we are experiencing is the Universe telling us it is not yet right for us to make a decision. We should wait until all the facts and choices clearly become visible. By exercising patience and avoiding making decisions with an unclear mind, we will find that our personal inner Sun will burn away our mental and emotional confusion clearly revealing the situation and opportunities.

Fog is derived form water and water represents divine feminine energy. This energy is tied to emotions, feelings and urges. We can tap into the rhythm of this energy by following and living by moon cycles. With the end of the current year fast approaching and the current new moon phase in the sign of Capricorn, it is an optimal moment for taking quiet time to reflect on our present options and decision. We need not rush forward charging ahead blindly. This is a time for meditation and rest in order to gain the insight and clarity desired.

What obstacles can you remove that are blocking your clear view and preventing forward momentum? What emerges when you sit in stillness? When the fog clears, what is revealed?
Supportive focus suggestions:

* Manjushri (pronounced "man-choosh-ree"), is a Buddhist deity of wisdom who holds a sword to cut through illusions and bring about clarity and understanding.

* Third Eye chakra supports inner vision, insight, imagination, concentration, peace of mind, projection will and manisfestation

* The rune stone, Kenaz - represents a torch by which knowledge is lit and revealed. It symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It signifies the mystery of transformation and our power to create as nature does.

* Gem stones - sodalite, clear quartz, celestite, kyanite and emerald

* Herbs - mint, mugwort and star anise

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