Thursday, December 30, 2021

Universal Connection

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a conscious and intelligent non-visiblee living energy force. This energy force is the matrix mind of all matter."

~ Max Planch, developer of Quantum Theory

The collective consciousness permeates all beings, affecting our attitudes, feelings, and behaviour. We all are part of the whole, just like cells within a body. They function separately, but also work together as the basis of life itself.

Connections exist not only between objects within the framework of a gien form of matter, but also betweenall its forms, woven together in a kind of infinitely huge skein. Our consciousness can contain any idea, real or imagined, that expresses connections. This idea must of necessity be a link in a chain of other ideas and conceptions.

Just as the collective consciousness can impact you you too can influence the collective consciousness for the better. When we get together and focus our intention on healing something, the vibration we put out affects all beings and the earth. A mass expansion of self-awareness is needed and the opportunity before us is to better harness the energy of Universal Connection in meaningful ways. We are a network of instinct, knowledge, signs, and symbols which may require interpretation before they can be understood.

As a comprehensive system of symbols, tarot is a distinctly Jungian method for accessing the collective unconscious. In, The Archetypes of the Collective Consciousness, Jung wrote, "If one wants to form a picture of the symbolic process, the series of pictures found in alchemy and good examples. It also seems as if the set of picture inthe tarot cards were distnaly descended from the archetrypes of transformation." Tarot has the potential for accessing the alcemical process of transformation. While many believe tarot is used for fortune-telling, it is more usefully viewed as a connectiion to the essence of the internal and external realities at the precise moment the card is brought into consciousness. In theis sense, a tarot card can be a manifestation of synchronicity. 

Every so often, events in the shared reality that make up this multifaceted world coalesce into a moment in which humanity stands poised to make a grand step forward into collective evolution. If ever such a time has been, it is now. You, as you read these words, are an integral part of the waking world. To what extent are you, emerging form the dreamworld of engineered illusion and moving toward greater evolution?

We, the Seekers--the Fools, it is our responsibility to accept the concept of Universal Energy and draw upon it for the improvement of ourselves and each living thing around us.

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