Monday, December 9, 2019

Share Your Chiron Healing

Astronomers originally classified Chiron as an asteroid with a strange orbit. But as they observed Chiron they discovered a comet-like tail, at which point it was reclassified as a comet. Through science's continued observation of this celestial body and the progress made in astronomical classification, today (according to Dr. Marsden of the IAU Minor Planet Center) Chiron is classified as both a comet and a minor planet.

For the sake of this entry, I use Chiron in its asteroid sense, categorizing it as many astrologers do, with other asteroids such as Vesta, Hygeia, and Juno.

According to Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was a healer, philosopher and teacher who, ironically could not heal himself. Chiron is called the "wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which, when integrated, leads to compassion and understanding of others' suffering and provides the ability to serve as a helper and healer for others. The placement of Chiron in our natal chart can reveal a core wound that may take a lifetime to work through. Don't distress over this! Our Chiron placement is also our secret power! As we grapple with pain, we gain wisdom that we can pass on to others like a magic salve. In fact, the symbol for Chiron is shaped like a key since unlocking its powers opens up a portal to deep, inner peace.

This asteroid's energetic influence will play a role in both our personal lives, and in the collective overall. During Chiron's recent transit through compassionate Pisces, we found healing via artistic channels such as music, poetry, and our imagination. The collective learned the true meaning of divinity, surrender, and universal love. Now that Chiron is in a nine year long transit through Aries (ending in 2027), we will experience challenges of our personal identity, self-confidence, and overall sense of self. During this time we will be able to tap into our individuality so that we can confidently move towards our personal mission. We are in our right to be completely and authentically ourselves and this Chiron transit will help us learn how to defend ourselves and heal others.

Chiron is sort of a cosmic contradiction, considering it represents both our wounded childhood and our biggest superpower. Chiron orbits between two intensely oppositional planets - uptight, restrictive Saturn and liberated, revolutionary Uranus. Its role as the metaphysical mediator can help us synthesize the energy of both. Where do we hold ourselves back (Saturn) and where we can be constructively rebellious (Uranus)? We must understand both extremes in order to find the middle ground. In, "Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini", Barbara Hand Clow refers to Chiron as the "rainbow bridge" between Saturn and Uranus. Aptly named, since integrating the full spectrum of emotions is the key to wholeness.

We help ourselves when we help others. Digging into our Chiron natal chart position can help us uncover hidden or dormant strengths that will empower, enlighten, and guide others.

The following list contains the Healing Gifts available to each Chiron astrological placement:

Aries (1st house) - Empowering people to embrace their individuality, channeling anger into creative expression, fearless individuality, and modeling independence

Taurus (2nd house) - Creating serene environments, savvy financial planning, holding down the fort during turbulent times, calm in the storm, and teaching traditional wisdom

Gemini (3rd house) - Cooperation, mediation, communication arts, play-based learning, inclusivity, and the use of wit and humor as a tool for connection

Cancer (4th house) - Empowering women, nutritional wisdom, nourishing with food, and creating a safe haven for community

Leo (5th house) - Using the arts to uplift and spread a positive message, playfulness and healthy hedonism, and empowering others through authentic self-expression

Virgo (6th house) - Being a storehouse of practical wisdom, creating empowering media, and creating structures to help people improve their lives

Libra (7th house) - Diplomacy, fostering peaceful communication and harmonious compromises, creating beauty and heart-opening experiences

Scorpio (8th house) - Helping people through extreme life passages, turning "trash" into treasure, and soul-deep sexual healing

Sagittarius (9th house) - Fostering diversity, revealing higher truths with compassion, creating conscious media, and using laughter as medicine

Capricorn (10th house) - Utilizing resources to provide for everyone, levelheaded leadership, and environmental consciousness

Aquarius (11th house) - Uplifting idealism, social justice and activism, fostering Utopian communities and a sharing economy

Pisces (12th house) - Helping people let go of limiting beliefs, spiritual and esoteric leadership, and helping people live out their dreams and goals

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reflect and Prepare

The new year is a new opportunity. Many of us use the turning of the calendar year to think about where we are and where we want growth. We set goals for how we will navigate the coming year differently.

When goals are set by mindlessly going through the motions, there is little chance of success. We may see a small amount of progress but it doesn't feel satisfying. Taking time to reflect offers us the opportunity to know ourselves better. When we know ourselves, gaining clarity of what we want and determining the goals necessary to achieve them become less burdensome.

Life is a journey and the questions we ask ourselves are the fuel needed to propel us.

Without intentional reflection we are vulnerable to forces more proactive than us and run the risk of reacting impulsively with limited information.

Asking ourselves reflective questions can jump-start our learning. When we are more aware of our interests and desires, we can create goals that align with what we want - not what we think that we are supposed to want. Below I have listed sample questions that you may want to consider asking yourself during the final six weeks of 2019. Choose to reflect on one question a week, or more if you feel moved to do so. Keeping track of what you notice through this activity will give you key insights to yourself and help you create goals best designed to support you through 2020.

1. What are the first thoughts that come to mind about 2019? Are these positive, negative, or neutral?
2. What life lesson or lessons did I learn during 2019?
3. What new thing did I learn this year?
4. How did I effect people around me in 2019?
5. What did I do for myself during this year?
6. What did I do for my community this year?
7. How did I help others during 2019?
8. How did others help me in 2019?
9.What is my favorite accomplishment from this year?
10. How often was I able to truly feel "in the moment" during 2019? What was I doing?
11. What felt difficult in the past that was easier this year?
12. Did I try and fail? Did I try and succeed?
13. What, if any, frustration came up again and again?
14. What joyful experiences did I have?
15. What tested my limits? How did I react?
16. Based on my experience of 2019, what advice would I give to someone?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ripples of Empowerment

Let's support each other in making this world the best that it can be.
 This is not an ideological concept. 
The world is changed by those people who can feel the suffering, 
and then show up to take action.

In the wake of what has been a steady stream of both human-made and natural disasters, many people (myself included) have been left feeling that they just cannot take any more. We may experience compassion fatigue (the deep exhaustion that comes from prolonged empathy) and feelings of powerlessness, anger, or frustration. While these feelings are completely normal, they alone do nothing to create actual change. Our normal habits of sharing posts on social media, watching repetitive news reports, and complaining to friends can do a lot to further our feelings of anger and helplessness; however, they do very little for the betterment of ourselves and society as a whole.

My personal process, at times, does involve a bit of "off-gassing" or venting to a close friend or two. Sometimes voicing aloud, my initial reaction to news that triggers me or causes a visceral reaction in me, allows me to view it from a new and detached position. The feeling is then outside of me and I can assess it (and myself) in a clear and discerning light. I do not, however, allow myself to sit and wallow in the muck that gets thrown out there. I take the time to regroup myself and determine what action (if any) I will take.

If you are having any of these feelings now, or have experienced them, here are a some reminders and suggestions of what can be done to regain your sense of balance, effectiveness and empowerment.

1. Ground yourself.
Give yourself the opportunity to really experience you initial response. Take time to feel sadness, shock, grief, confusion, or whatever emotions may be arising. Feel love for those who are suffering, including yourself. Invite feelings of safety and comfort into this space and stay connected to the deep sense of 'being' that is always present inside of you no matter what is happening in life. Commit to a practice that helps keep you in touch with this grounded state of being - walk in nature, do some yoga, practice mindful breathing exercises, or meditate. Eat well and sleep soundly. You will be more effective when you come from this centered place.

2. Avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Be careful not to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Focus on what you can affect and thrust that other people will take care of the issues that matter to them. We are, after all, in this together. Take time to look at the positive outcomes from challenging situations, such as the way adversity can bring people together. Sometimes our "go-to" is to focus on the negative things. The reality is that billions of positive things are happening at every moment.

3. Remember that "feeling bad" about things changes nothing.
While it is important to feel these events fully, we lose our power when we let feelings of sadness, anger, or fear replace our ability to act. Remember that these feelings are messengers telling us that we want things to be different, that we want change. Acknowledge your feelings, listen to their message, and then let them empower you to make a difference.

4. Focus on issues that speak to your heart, and do something about those.
No one can do it all. It is best to focus on one or two things you can do well, and then commit fully to your cause. Trust that you will be the best at what inspires your heart the most. Then consider how yo can best make a difference. Maybe you can give your time to directly help the situation. Alternately, you and use your voice to educate others about a cause. Perhaps you are able to make a monetary contribution. The more you feel and see yourself taking action and making a difference, the more passionate you will be about continuing to create change.

5. Find community.
We can do more together. Sometimes we are afraid to act alone, but when we harness the power of community, we are empowered by this connection and collaboration with others. Build on the energy that comes from working collectively with like-minded people toward a greater good. We might often think that we do not have enough time to help, when in reality, we do. Recognize that saying, "I don't have time for that" is a softer way of saying, "I don't prioritize that." Reflect upon how you prioritize your time and make appropriate changes. Create a new normal for your prioritization of time that includes time for selfless service.

6. Practice self-compassion, patience, and positive self-reflection.
We often only see what we "could have done" or "should have done", which is discouraging and minimizes the importance of our efforts. One of the most important parts of serving is to reflect on what you did and why it helped. This creates positive mental imprints and releases endorphins in the brain, increasing your chances of being proactive again and improving your efficacy.

7. Take care of yourself.
Depleting ourselves of energy inhibits our ability to help others. Make sure that you are leaving time for self-nourishment. Identify, then reduce or eliminate activities that may seem relaxing but are actually increasing your stress (like scrolling through social media, or mindlessly having news shows run in the background). It is important to remain committed to the practices that keep you grounded and connected to your true, unchanging self - those things that speak to your heart. Proactive activities that can strengthen you, inspire you and keep you peaceful in the midst of adversity may include meditation, prayer, and the powerful art of positive energy. Flood yourself with love, presence, and compassion.

8. Be resilient and avoid discouragement.
Remember that change does not happen overnight. There will be harsh reminders that progress is not always linear, neat, and tidy. Remember, also, that adversity does not denote a lack of progress. Progress takes time. Have faith that you are planting seeds that will ultimately blossom into positive change.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Divine & Enlightened

Oh, Beltane - how I celebrate your hope and revel in your energies!

Beltane is a festival having to do with heat, passion, spontaneity, survival, fertility, balance and joining.

Think of Beltane as a wedding feast celebrating fertility. The Goddess, now ripe and receptive, unites with the Sun king and will, in due course, give birth to the crops of the fields that will nourish us throughout the year. This is a time to not only recognize life but to also take action on the activities and projects planned and begun during the Vernal Equinox.

Much of the tradition and ritual associated with Beltane has to do with marriage and fertility. Long-ago, it was important to recognize this season, for a good harvest could come only from fertile soil, ample rain and care given to the crops as they matured.

So, too, must we recognize the pivotal impact that a balanced union of the Divine Feminine with the Enlightened Masculine has on our personal, local and global communities. Care must be given to cultivating humankind. 

When speaking of feminine and masculine energies, we are reminded that one could not exist without the other. When we try to understand what it means to be male, what it means to be female, we observe not only differences in our outer form, but diversity at the very core. Let us not react in fear to what we see. Instead, when these differences and insights are revealed, let us embrace and honor them. For the fundamental truth remains - part of our selves lives within the other.

At this stage in the development of the universe we shall only progress as the Divine Feminine and Enlightened Masculine converge. If reconciliation of our differences ceases, we will lose sight of one another (each other) and lose as well, our ability to recognize our selves in the other. We must view each other through the eyes of curiosity and wonder. There must be understanding among us to effectively heal and move beyond any preconceived or displaced notion of injustice and injury. We (each of us) must strive to rise above ourselves (our egos) and release the limiting bonds of emotional and psychological wounds. For we each hold within ourselves these qualities and, through the mirror of the other, see our complete Self.

Humankind is elevated through Man's (the Enlightened Masculine's) ability to embrace the qualities of the Feminine. Man's protecting spirit, acceptance, appreciation, courage and willingness to work in unison with the Feminine will bring into focus the energy of Love and Oneness. Without this we (as individuals and as the Whole) along with our world will perish.

What are the qualities of the Enlightened Masculine?
Through his conviction of purpose and use of skillful means, Man is the navigator through obstacles and the builder of cities (kingdoms). Through perseverance Man explores - discovering and retrieving that which is Pure and Real. While Man creates anew, Woman contains and nurtures what has been created.

What are the qualities of the Divine Feminine?
She is the Cradle of Ageless Wisdom, the Strength of Unfolding Creation, the Ferocity of Necessary Destruction (cutting away that which is false), the Safeguard of Home and Innocence, and the Nurturer of Life and Death.

The whole and vital question for each of us (all of us) is, "How shall the Divine Feminine and the Enlightened Masculine recognize one another?" and, "Do we recognize each other now?" Man and Woman are Husband and Wife, bride and bridegroom to Evolutionary Creation. The Light that emerges when each individual finds all these qualities within her/himself shines upon a Blessed Marriage. The result of which is not only the realization of Divine Love, but bringing it to true fruition. Love is a sacred reserve of energy.

In our society, which has a tendency to stereotype and pigeon-hole, we must constantly focus on achieving our full potential. We, (in our culture), tend to separate things. We put up fences (or walls) - dividing, "ours" and blocking out, that which is "other's" - forgetting we are all interconnected. When we stop and go within, we are deeply made aware of our essential essence. We are more than a body, more than gender, more than our sexuality, more than a name - we are Divine Spirit. We discover the wonderous Mystery within us (within each of us) and become conscious of the fact the other person is a reflection of the same Mystery. Through feeling this sense of togetherness - that we are as One - we must learn to share those resources of Love and Light that are inside us.

It has become brutally obvious to see the great imbalance, destruction and cruelty that has happened to humans and Mother Earth, caused by the lack of inner harmony and balance within each individual's Inner World. Every human being contains both masculine and feminine energy. These opposites unite and untie us - forcing us to find our spiritual center. It is the coming together of these two energies that will make a difference.

Love will always find a way and the new energies coming to Earth are the energies of merging and allowing. The merging and allowing of the Divine Feminine and Enlightened Masculine to interact, intertwine and, together;  transcend. 

Find more mystical musings at 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Planetary Energies

Planetary magick is a complex system which blends astrology, ancient cosmology and celestial intelligence in an attempt to bring the most effective results. I am going to present the planetary rulers of the seven days of the week and the best day to perform different types of magick or ritual.

You do not need to spend hours drafting and interpreting intricate star charts in order to give your workings a planetary boost. By applying basic principles of planetary timing, you can align your ritual or spellwork with the most helpful planetary influence.

Records show that the concept of planetary correspondences to the days of the week, dates back to Babylonian astrology. They assigned a planet to rule each day, then divided the day into planetary hours. Planetary magick was re-discovered by medieval magicians who looked to their world for inspiration. The tradition of using different days, and specific hours, for particular types of magick can be seen in the Key of Solomon, a 14th century text that presents a typical example of Renaissance magick.

For our purposes, the sun and moon are utilized as planets. This approach is based upon the interpretations of the skies by ancient astronomers. I am also going to stick to the planets and days and skip the individual planetary hours. Keeping the information simple makes it more accessible and user friendly...feeling overwhelmed cramps one's flow.

The Sun -- Sunday
Because of the Sun's role as light-bringer, illumination is the theme for Sunday workings. Its energy can add a sparkle to money magick and add a warmth to health intentions and the Sun relates to vitality and success. It is also related to new beginnings, self-confidence and courage. Sundays are great days for beginning new projects, giving fresh momentum to older ones, improving health and calling for professional success to you.

The Moon -- Monday
Much of the folklore surrounding the Moon focuses on this astral body's changing looks. It is traditionally associated with psychic concerns and our human desires to shift our emotions, energies and situations. Throughout history, cultures worldwide tracked the Moon and noted its cycles, sometimes encrypting this information in the alignments and designs of their architecture.

Mondays are ideal days for working with the subconscious thought introspection and dreaming. Scrying, development of psychic abilities and utilizing cartomancy for personal insight each benefit from the Moon's energies this day, as do workings for emotional health. Because of the Moon's influence on the tides, Mondays are good for any type of water ritual or magick. It is a potent day to create travel amulets and to cleanse magickal tools.

Mars -- Tuesday
Utilizing the assertive powers of Mars can add tremendous power to workings that initiate big change, call upon action, week victory and expand our strength.

Tuesdays are good days to activate protective talismans, reinforce your home's barriers (both energetic and physical) and to cultivate personal energy. Traditionally, Tuesdays were for blessings cars and machines, forges and new gardens. (A side note for those whom may be wondering when to cast those "not-so-nice" workings; Tuesday's warring Mars energy is what you want.)

Mercury -- Wednesday
The energy of the messenger god, Mercury, makes Wednesday an appropriate day for all types of communication and divination. Workings for travel, luck, creative thinking and business endeavors will be bolstered and given fleet momentum when conducted on a Wednesday. Mercury rules over the acquisition of magickal knowledge, aids in travel between the worlds and guides the souls of the dead.

Last month, I made a horse hide drum and recently learned that Wednesdays are beneficent days for drumming. That aspect, combined with my love of divination and natural proclivity for spirit communication, has made for some potently deep work.

Jupiter -- Thursday
This planet is beautiful, slow and stately, qualities that ancient magicians interpreted as themes of abundance, judgment and wisdom. Thursday is a great day to perform workings for legal matters, faith and long lasting prosperity. This is an auspicious day to purchase property, sign contracts, bestow blessings on family, friends and your home.

Venus -- Friday 
Venus encourages us to celebrate the joy in the realms of music, food, the arts and love. It is also a day to utilize when we need to honor our personal struggles in these areas.

Because Venus is closely connected to the natural world (it is our morning and evening star), Friday is a beneficial day to harvest herbs and plants that will be used for magickal purposes. Infuse potions, perform mirror magick and take ritual baths with the joy of Venus on Fridays.

Saturn -- Saturdays
Saturn, the Lord of Endings. According to astrology, Saturn's position helps us learn from life, set the past behind and to move forward.

In some circles, Saturday has gotten the reputation as an inauspicious day for magickal workings. Personally, I do not subscribe to this thought. I find Saturdays a fine day for banishing and binding works, as well as a very powerful day for ancestor communication and mediumship. It is also a good time to understand our personal limits, establish personal boundaries and to bolster self-discipline.

Will your rituals or workings fail because they are not aligned with a particular planetary energy? NO! Work your energy when you can and if you feel the need or a strong pull to, for example, throw down some luck mojo on a Sunday instead of of a Wednesday - do it!

For me, over the years, something that I have appreciated about taking the time to incorporate planetary magick into my practice, is that it helped me slow down, center and proceed in a mindful way. It helped me establish discipline and preparation that added strength to my self-confidence and thus, to my workings. I also felt that the knowledge that thousands upon thousands of like-minded people around the world were working similar energies on those days, added potency to whatever I was doing. The ability to tap into that collective, while adding my own frequencies to the mass, has been insightful, humbling and empowering; there is strength in numbers after all.

Bright Blessings!

I wish you peace and grace.
~ Amber

For a deeper look into The Key of Solomon, as well as other fascinating sacred texts, 
click the link below. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Help Your Body Adapt

Adaptogens are non-toxic plants that help the body reset stressors of all kinds, whether emotional,  physical, chemical or biological. These herbs and roots have been used for centuries in Chinese and Ayurvedic healing traditions. 

Adaptogens are a unique group of herbal ingredients used to improve the health of your adrenal system, the body system that is in charge of managing your body's hormonal response to stress. They help strengthen the body's response to stress and enhance its ability to cope with anxiety and fight fatigue - slowly and gently, without jolts or crashes. They are called adaptogens because of their unique ability to adapt their function according to your body's specific needs. The the effects may initially be subtle and take time to make themselves felt, they are real and undeniable.

Unlike drugs from the big pharma realm, adaptogens were not born yesterday. In fact, they have been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, to boost energy and resilience in the face of stress. Recently, several studies have found evidence to support what those of us in the sustainable wellness field already knew - that adaptogens offer positive benefits - and are safe for long-term use.

Think of adaptogens working like a thermostat. When the thermostat senses that the room temperature is too high, it brings it down; when the room temperature is too low, it brings it up. Adaptogens can calm you down and boost your energy at the same time without over stimulating. They can normalize body imbalances. By supporting adrenal function, they counteract the adverse effects of stress. They enable the body's cells to access more energy; help cells eliminate toxic by-products of the metabolic process and help the body to utilize oxygen more efficiently.

Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used to help increase vitality, energy, endurance and stamina, promote longevity and strengthen the immune system. Today, herbalists often recommend it for people with high blood pressure, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome. It enhances endocrine function, especially they thyroid and adrenals. Ayurvedic healers have long prescribed the herb to treat exhaustion brought on by physical and mental strain.
** A note of caution ** Avoid using ashwagandha during pregnancy, if you are taking sedatives, have gastric ulcers or are sensitive to the nightshade group of plants.

Asian Ginseng has been one of the most valued medicinal plants in the world. It is believed to affect the body by influencing metabolism within individual cells, and it has been studied extensively for its ability to help the body withstand stress. Research shows that Asian ginseng promotes a sense of well-being in its users. Western herbalists say that it restores and strengthens the body's immune response, promotes longevity, and enhances the growth of normal cells.
** A note of caution ** Consuming large amounts of caffeine with large amounts of ginseng may increase the risk of palpitations, insomnia, over-stimulation and digestive upset. If you have high blood pressure, monitor yourself when taking ginseng. This herb is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Holy basil (also referred to as tulsi) is another beloved plant in the Ayurvedic traditons. Its benefits are many and in relation to restoration of body and mind, it is helpful to know that tulsi is overall calming and fosters a sense of well-being and relaxation. It is wonderful for help unwinding after a long day and rough Mercury retrogrades.

Cacao is high in magnesium which is a calming nutrient that many of us do not get enough of at all. Yes, cacao contain some caffeine which can be stimulating, so while you may not want to eat chocolate right before attempting sleep; eating dark choloclate or adding raw cacao to a smoothie or oatmeal earlier in the day may help to improve your sleep in the long run. The bonus is that it tastes delicious, is packed with antioxidants, and can act on our neurotransmitters to help increase our mood.

Eleuthero is used in Chinese medicine for muscle spasms, joint pain, insomnia, and fatigue. In Germany, its use is approved for chronic fatigue syndrome, impaired concentration, and convalescing after illness. Western herbalists note that it improves memory, feeling of well-being and can lift mild depression.
** Note of caution ** In rare cases patients with cardiovascular disorders have experienced agitation and insomnia while taking large doses of eleuthero. If you have high blood pressure, monitor yourself closely while using this herb.

Reishi mushroom is a claming adaptogen that can help improve sleep overall. This happens to be one of the most studied plants is popular use and has and its list of  beneficial uses is long. It is useful for helping you to chill out after a long day and can be a great aid for insomniacs who have chronic challenges with sleep.

Rhodiola rosea acts like a hormone thermostat, especially as it pertains to coritsol, one of our main stress hormones. I believe that cortisol, which is secreted in sync with our circadian rhythms is usually, if not always, out of whack when we are stressed out and exhausted. This means the cortisol level is either too high when it should be low, or not high enogh when we need more. Getting your cortisol back in rhythm when your are compromised is crusial and rhodiola literally helps balance the cortisol levels in your body, raising or lowering it as needed. That is why this herb is particularly useful for treating my stressed out clients! Rhodiols has demonstrated a remarkable ability to support cellular energy metabolism. It positively affects brain function, depression, and hear health. In my experience, most clients who take rhodial start feeling better within three to four weeks.
** Note of caution ** Avoid if you have manic depression or are bipolar! Rhodiola is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory super root that is wonderful for cooling any inflammation in the body. If pain and discomfort is part of your sleep challenges, I recommend incorporating turmeric ASAP. My favorite way to consume it is at night in warm coconut milk with a little ginger, black pepper (which helps your body absorb the curcumin), a pinch of cinnamon, raw honey and coconut oil; comforting, relaxing and delicious.

Monday, March 25, 2019

A Healthy Voice

It is not uncommon for the throat chakra to become unbalanced or blocked. When this energy center is not working properly, we may experience physical symptoms such as ear aches, thyroid imbalances, laryngitis and jaw pain.
When our 5th chakra is clear, it brings about clear communication and creative expression. We feel confident in expressing our feelings, our creativity and saying what we really mean. The two-way energy flow between you and others is greatly enhanced. In fact, the two-way energy flow between you and your own body begins to improve as well.
Keeping our throat chakra healthy is important so that we are able to speak out with ease to support and protect those around us, as well as ourselves. In addition to the use of gemstones and healing visualizations, the use of foods and herbs can quickly clear the energy flow to this chakra. The 5th chakra is the center of communication. Balancing it can help you reconnect with your true nature and make you feel safe enough to express it. 

A great place to begin is by eating blue foods. Blue, purple and red foods contain phytochemicals that are responsible for their color and are an indications of the presence of flavonoids; critical antioxidents that support and strengthen our immune system.

Black olives
Red/purple cabbage

Wheatgrass and barley are the grains that best support this chakra. Since the 5th chakra anatomical area includes the thyroid, sea vegetables are helpful due to the iodine in them that is crucial for proper thyroid function.

The following list contains herbs that I have found effectively clear and balance the 5th chakra.

Blue pea flower
Slippery elm

Meditation mantras support this process well. My clients and I have found the following examples most effective when addressing the needs of the 5th chakra.

"I am an empathic listener and a clear communicator".

"My voice is important in this world".

"When I speak, my words are honest and balanced".

"I am always understood by others".

"I honor my true voice and let it speak".

However you choose to support and balance your chakra health, do it from a place of grace and love for yourself and the world in which you live. 

~ The herbal and natural health suggestions posted within this blog are 
not intended to replace medical treatment or the taking of prescribed medications. ~

Sunday, March 10, 2019


Native American teachings explain that the shape of the frame drum is a circle to symbolize the endless cycle of life. The beat of the drum represents the heartbeat of Mother Earth and calls the spirits and nations together. Hearing or facilitating the "heartbeat" by playing a drum, brings healing and a deeper understanding of our connection with all life. The drumbeat is of such a low frequency that it vibrates not only the air but also the ground and can be felt by humans and animals alike. Even those with hearing loss are able to feel the beat of the drum and use it to communicate. Drumming synchronizes the left and right brain hemispheres, which brings about deeper awareness of self and connects us with the Divine and all that is.

We are all born with our own personal drum - our heartbeat. We hear the heartbeat of our mother while in her womb, and the drum's beat is the heartbeat of the Great Mother held in our hands. Throughout history the heartbeat of the drum has been used in personal and healing ceremonies, for journey work, celebrations and mourning rituals.
The beating of the drum brings the primordial rhythm of life to a ceremony. The dances, chants, and rituals of all indigenous cultures employ the beating of the drum to mark the beginning, rhythm, and end of their traditional rites. Shamans throughout the world use the beat of the drum to induce a state of ecstasy and to invoke spirits.

When the practice of drumming is undertaken in a sacred way, profound altered states of consciousness can be experienced. Group drumming can double the alpha brain waves, induce deep states of relaxation, reduce stress and connect one to their transcendent nature. The drum is a messenger from Spirit/ the Divine and people can awaken to their true infinite spiritual nature. One enters the realm of miracles where there are no boundaries between self and the vast spaciousness of being. It is here where one is transported beyond the ego's confines of the conditioned self and enters the world of the Divine. These ancient rhythms have the power to elicit healing. As the vibration of the drum permeates the entire body and soul, profound peace is felt and effortlessly radiates out as love for self and others. The ancestral wisdom carried in the lineage of rhythms is a tool for building community, creating loving interactions, and awakens one to the miracles of the Divine.

Scientists, researchers and psychologists are able provide research on the therapeutic effect of rhythms and frequencies. Their recent findings show that drum rhythms strengthen the immune system, produce endorphins and release emotional trauma to create states of well being. The healing power of drumming creates a balance that maintains the connection between body, mind and soul.

Shiva, the Indian deity, holds a drum in his extended right hand. This symbol reminds us that creation (or manisfestation) begins with the first beat of the drum and ends with the last beat; and that creative destruction is a natural, ongoing process of the material realm.
The esoteric lesson offered us by Shiva's drum is that all material things march to the beat of time; they have a beginning, a limited time-span, and an end. When we concentrate on time (duality and matter) we shut out eternity (unity/oneness). However, when we focus our concentration on eternity, time and matter become insignificant. It its most sublime essence, the drumbeat symbolizes the heartbeat of the universe. In its most basic essence it is the rhythmic reminder that, "Time has come".

The drumbeat marks time in the realm of matter. Time cannot exist without matter, for matter has a limited time-span. Conversely, matter cannot exist without time, because without time matter cannot experience the cycle of creation, expansion, decay and rebirth.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lunar Eclipse for Your Heart

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind the earth and into its shadow. This can occur only when the sun, earth and moon are very closely aligned, with the earth between the other two.

According to astrology, a lunar eclipse usually marks culminations and ending points. Eclipses (both lunar and solar) are dramatic markers and one of the most dramatic ways that the Universe uses to get our attention. Once we are alerted, we are guided to honestly look at the areas of our life that need change. The prevailing energies during this time uproot us, surprise us and shake us out of complacency so that we may move ahead in the physical and spiritual realms.

Lunar eclipses are auspicious times for meditation, inward reflection, self-care and connecting with the Divine. During these practices we often receive insights and information that can provide important direction and act as a catalyst for the action needed. In this way, lunar eclipses can show us that we are capable of much more that we previously thought.

Where solar eclipses support new beginnings, lunar eclipses often bring us final endings and can be emotional times for many. They tend to make us aware of the passage of time and our own mortality. A lifetime of memories and recurring dreams may be brought into the forefront of our thoughts, causing us to become nostalgic and sentimental. Honor the emotions that come up, express gratitude for how they helped your growth then, with great love, release them to the Universe.

The total lunar eclipse of January 20, 2019, occurs in the sign of Leo at 9:12 pm PST. This is the final Leo eclipse from a series that began in February of 2017 and included the fierce total solar eclipse in August the same year. This lunar eclipse will manifest situations that have been developing over the last two years. Leo is the guardian of creativity, romance and fertility. With the support of this full moon, we will see our efforts come to light and changes coming our way. We may feel ourselves pushed to look in new directions and to change any of our long-standing limiting mindsets.

Allowing ourselves time to process what we experience during this lunar eclipse is an important tool for utilizing the transformative energies available. Be patient with yourself. Extend patience to those with whom we interact. Speak with gentleness. Extend gentleness to others. Act from compassionate heart-space. Extend your compassionate heart to others.

The Lies We're Dying For

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